school is almost starting, and soon, there will be very little to remind me of how it feels to be happy. so here it is, my incomplete, spur-of-the-moment, delicious, bodacious list of things that i love.
* a good conversation
* loud laughter (diba sanne? our contrabida laugh)
* dessert! (this deserves its own section i far the most
fun ones are the ones shared with mel and the girlsÜ)
* overnights (some more than others. i will miss them me thinks)
* jokes
* making videos
* having someone read me like they knew me forever
* chicklit. especially hot pink ones (best way to sell me a book is
to make it a hot pink one. i will most probably gravitate to it. i
dont know why.
* coffee
* all the new-fangled donuts. my current favorite is cellos. the
bread is yummy!
* a large glass of coke light filled with iced gulped down
* the pyfp dinners and outings! (because we are all loopy, and
wholesome and i never have to worry about asking people
not to blow smoke my wayÜ)
* long dinners followed by chatty coffee and dessert nights
* books! that are not chicklit. hehehe. i do read them :-)
* driving when theres no traffic. sometimes even when there is if
may kasama sa car Ü
* singing out loud when driving!
* text conversations that reveal more than actual conversations.
* a warm mug of hot chocolate with a shot of vanilla on a snowy
evening while i am watching my fill of sitcoms
* SITCOMS!!!! oooh. i love them.
* new favorite shows - veronica mars, joan of arcadia
* beachy french music that i cannot understand
* bossanova - especially the gilbertos joao and astrud, paulinho
* the beatles. gasp.
* FRANK SINATRA. yep. enough to make it upper case Ü
* OPRAH WINFREY! (i am training to be her replacement)
* princess stories
* a warm cup of tea and a slice of cake every 1st sunday of the
month at anna's house
* starbucks katipunan
* meeting new people
* finding fab things dirt cheap
* getting out of the shower and picking out the perfect thing to
wear in less than 5 minutes
* dancing like crazy to happy 80's music (right, now, the romantics'
what i like about you)
* meeting new people! i really do like it
* trying out new places
* reading a magazine or comic book while eating alone
* eating with matakaw girlfriends. hihihi.
* getting giddy over new crushes!
* actually being able to speak to a crush
* canai bread with curry sauce
* blushing with joy
* giving someone something that theyre really excited about
* sharing favorite food with other people
* wearing skirts (i never thought i would)
* dressing up! is this the same? hindi naman Ü
* being right about people
* being happy about friends!
* screaming with kilig in the car. hehehe.
* not having a cold ( i have a cold 24/7)
* making lists
* checking every thing on my list
* getting a good night's rest
* the occasional telebabad
* an interesting experience
* writing something beautiful
* capturing (at least on film) something beautiful
* hugging!
* singing like a loon.
* singing like i mean it
* doing something good
* a productive day
* loving without caring
all for now. will update soon :)
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