but i've been taking baby steps! and so far, they were steps in the right direction. two weeks ago, on a whim, i decided to go with friend and her family to celebrate the Clark Hot Air Balloon Festival for the weekend. and really, it was the best weekend ever. Ive been broke for quite a while, and because of that ive been living like a hermit for the longest time. i forgot what it was like to have normal conversations with people, and how it was to just relax and do nothing without feeling...edgy. Edgy that my life wasn't going...somewhere - anywhere.
But that weekend was exactly what I needed. It was really just enough to bring me back into good spirits and restore some of the faith in myself that had been slowly ebbing away since late last year. The good food, the great company, just being out of the house was exactly what I needed.
if i had gone with my original instincts and decided against it - because I wasn't sure, because I wasn't too close with that friend, because I didn't have enough money - what would I have done that weekend? It's really true what they say - "Sometimes, getting ahead of yourself just means getting out of your own way."
I think that weekend was the proximate cause which set other good things in motion. Ü
so here's to being more spontaneous!
our gracious hostesses
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