Thursday, February 15, 2007


i refuse to define today the way most people would. there are a lot of people left to love in my life and i am no less of a person because i do not celebrate today as more than just another day i have to learn, to live, to try to be happy and to make an difference in someone, anyone's life.

yes, i started it feeling horribly inadequate and unfortunately mistreated. i realize that while i cannot force anyone to make whats important to me a priority, i can just pick up where they left off and remember to know better in the future.

after i write this i will take a shower, try to wash off all feelings of misery, and then, i will go out and spend this day with people i know are happy to see me.

im not happy yet, but i will be before this day ends.

if you are reading this and you feel lonely, you are not alone. go out, do something. its only a bust of a day if you let it be that.

i therefore redefine today as: i-will-be-happy-today-if-it-kills-me day. will just update on whatever craziness this day will lead me to do.

what do you define this day as?

1 comment:

tanya said...

If i tried to do that, it'd probably actually kill me.